Peer review is a process which is widely followed for review of research papers or grant proposals, before their publication or approval of grant, respectively. The term connotes evaluation of an author's work by an expert in the field. The reviewers or referees belong to a narrowly defined specialised area. This maintains the quality standard of published papers and provides credibility.
Research Gateway follows the peer review method for final evaluation of all the research papers submitted to it. We follow the most rigorous review as we adopt the double blind refereeing process by keeping the identity of the author and the referee anonymous. This ensures that the review is entirely unbiased, and the matter gets genuine comments or suggestions for improvement. The checking is thorough, and even the smallest error is rectified.
Once an author submits a research paper to us for the purpose of publication, the in-house editors examine the same. Then they are sent to experts, who are experienced academicians in the relevant field of study. They further scrutinise the research paper and send them back with necessary comments. The feedback is communicated to the author for changes to be made.
Even some of our editors are experts in their chosen fields, and conduct peer reviews themselves. This significantly enhances our quality of work. Most of the publications have set style of writing and editing and our editors fully follow the prescribed style. This improves the chances for the research paper to get published.
Peer review can be for varied fields. Research Gateway undertakes medical peer review, clinical peer review, review for journal publication, legal peer review, financial and academic peer review. Such a process ensues that the research papers published in such important fields are not just relevant to the professionals, but they also do not carry any adverse information which can harm a large number of people. Our editors keep a tab on the latest developments in their field of expertise and review the research papers to contain only the authentic information.