Data collection is just the starting point in research. The way you manage your data is the crucial factor in determining the success of your thesis or dissertation, as this information forms the basis of
quantitative research. Research Gateway provides full support in data entry and management for research scholars. Our computer operators have been trained by a team of expert statisticians. This ensures that your data is entered in the right manner, after which it can be analysed.
Presentation of data should be in a manner which is clear, easy to understand and includes all aspects of your research. Data can be presented in the following forms:
A :
Tabular presentation:Tabular presentation is used for summarisation and condensation of data. It also helps in analysis of relationship, trends, and relative sizes of given data. A statistical table is a cross classification of data. This can be done in two different ways: (i) classification with respect to time and (ii) classification with respect to some other variable. |
B :
Data classified with respect to time: Whenever the time variable enters, the classification is known as time series classification. In the simplest form of time series classification, time occupies the stubs and a single form of the variable occupies one caption of the table. |
C :
Data classified with respect to other variables: This can be done either by a two way classification or a multiple classification. In two way classification, a table is set up in such a way that two different variables can be compared or contrasted. This type of table is also known as contingency table. |
D :
Graphic presentation: Several types of graphs or charts are used to present statistical data. Some are named as under: |
Line or Arithmetic Chart |
Pictograms |
Scatter Diagrams |
Pie Charts |
Bar Charts |
E :
Frequency Distribution: Frequency table or frequency distribution is a better way to arrange data. It helps in compressing data. Though some information is lost, compressed data show a pattern more clearly. For constructing a frequency table, we divide data into groups of similar values and then record the number observations that fall in each group. |
F : |
Cumulative Frequency curve: It enables us to see as to how many observations lie above or below certain values. |
It is imperative that you manage your data in a way that makes the research easy, as well as effective. It must also enable further research and help in reaching the conclusion. The student might not be able to decide the best way to enter and process the data because of the size or complexity of data. We at Research Gateway have the requisite experience and knowledge to advice you regarding the same, as well as help you prepare the charts and tables in the proper format.